cancellation policy

get in touch
with nature

the rural  electric bike
autoguided tours with GPS, with audio content

At Burricleta we want everyone to be able to do the activity in the best possible conditions and for this to be compatible with our survival, which is why we have designed the following cancellation policy according to the activities:

Large groups

Large groups includes: groups larger than 10 people and any guided tour.

1- Cancellation by the Burricleta team:

The activities offered by Burricleta are subject to the conditions of the environment in which they take place and of the people who participate; so they may be subject to changes or cancellation before or during the activity for different reasons, including:

- Meteorological reasons (electrical storms, strong winds, heavy rain.) According to Meteocat warning levels, of the Meteorological Danger Situation (SMP) for all those phenomena that affect the activity: violent weather, rain, snow, wind , cold and hot in the region where the activity is carried out. If the danger is high or very high we will cancel the activity 48 hours before, if the danger is moderate it will be assessed 48 hours before according to the characteristics of the activity.

- Adverse environmental conditions by Civil Protection notice in the county where the activity is carried out or affect access.

- Administrative decisions (for the application of restrictions, access cuts due to works, for the application of prevention plans against fires or against any other risk, etc.).

- Unforeseen or accidental events and, in general, any dangerous situation that may pose a significant risk to the safety of any of our customers or workers.

In any of these cases, the management of the company (previously) or the guide who leads the activity (if he considers it appropriate), has the right and the responsibility and the obligation to modify or even suspend the activity in benefit of the safety of our customers, our workforce and the physical integrity of any person.

*In case of cancellation by Burricleta, the customer will have the right to postpone the activity or refund the entire amount paid.

Burricleta will inform the host of the activity of the cancellation once the notices from Meteocat or Civil Protection, 48 hours before the realization of this.

2- Cancellation by the client contracting the activity:

- Cancellation before 20 days will be refunded 100% of the payment for the activity.

- Cancellation between 20 days and the date on which the activity will be carried out will be charged 25% to cover the costs of organization and the commitment with third parties.

- Cancellation 24 hours before carrying out the activity will be charged 75%.

- Cancellation within 24 hours will be charged for the entire activity.

Cancellation due to force majeure:

The participants of those activities that cannot be carried out due to force majeure may propose a new date during the next 6 months. Causes of force majeure:

- Unexpected death or illness of the host, user, or a direct family member after the reservation was made.

- Natural disasters or adverse weather conditions of great intensity that affect the country of destination or origin after the date of making the reservation.

- Travel restrictions or security alerts issued by the competent national or international authorities after the date of the reservation.

- Endemic disease declared by a competent national or international authority after the date of making the reservation.

(In case of doubt regarding interpretation by language, the original text in Catalan is taken as reference).